The law of attraction is a principle of resonance.


 The law of attraction is not a belief

One day posted first by Google, I read from the Wikipedia article on the subject: “The law of attraction is a belief, which has no scientific basis. ” (The article was a translation of wiki English) Nothing more wrong!.

Wikipedia does NOT have the quality of an encyclopedia written by specialists… . so we also read false things.     

So I decided to answer this question once and for all ”Is the law of attraction scientific? “.

In my book ”  Achieving the Union  ” I speak not of “Law of Attraction”, simply because I am a physical chemist: I know the principles scientists and scientific terms , I did NOT need to invent.

These are the people who do the marketing, the advertising, who invent words, slogans, formulas to attract people. And I recognize it without problem: “Law of Attraction” to change your life is more attractive than “physical chemistry” to change your life “!

The Law of Attraction is a perfectly known scientific principle, in the language of scientists it is said: “principle of RESONANCE”. 

What does “principle of resonance” mean?

You CONSTANTLY use this principle in your everyday life.

When you use your cell phone for example. To chat with an interlocutor on your mobile phone: you must be on the same  FREQUENCY , this is the very reason for the “  phone number  ” (or the “  channel number  ” on your TV to watch your favorite series).

It is not a ”  number  ” that you call but a FREQUENCY (or even wavelength) on which you put yourself , through your mobile  AND on which your interlocutor must be ALSO   so that you can communicate together.

If you are NOT on the “same frequency” you will NOT enter into communication with your interlocutor, it is IMPOSSIBLE. You may “bang on the cell” “yell” “ask why? »« Accuse x or y »you can only be in communication with your interlocutor if you are on the SAME FREQUENCY. Point.


 ALL viewers of the same television program are simply on the SAME FREQUENCY of the broadcaster in question.

How does a cell phone work?

The cell phone uses radio waves which travel at the speed of light . When a call is made, the voice is converted into a digital signal . This sequence of 0s and 1s is then “engraved” on an analog signal and then picked up by the nearest antenna. The latter transmits the signal to a base station which then sends it to a central station. From there, conversations are routed to the recipient’s mobile phone. The territory is crisscrossed into areas called “cells”. France, for example, is divided into 40,000 cells! Each zone is served by a low power transmitter and in which the interlocutor is located. When it moves, the communication is automatically transferred to the neighboring cell: this operation is called the handover. It is the basis of mobile technology.

A cell phone a concentrate of physics.

When you call your mom on the phone, by this principle of RESONANCE, of “  SAME FREQUENCY ”, you KNOW that it is your mom that you will have “on the phone” NOT your…. boss!

A SINGLE frequency for each user phone 

(The sim card is the allocation of a unique number that will also bill your subscription to the operator). 

 The “mosaic” button on my television indicates that I have more than 500 channels available: it is in fact 500 different FREQUENCIES . 

At the end of 2017, there were more than 7.7 billion mobile subscriptions . There is NO to fear the shortage:

The Universe has an infinite number of “vibratory” frequencies. ALL frequencies are available.

Astronomers say we only see 3% of the energy content of the Universe.

For relations: 

It is ALWAYS the same principle of “resonance”, “SAME FREQUENCY” which is at work.

Do we not say, when speaking of relationships:  “we are on the same wavelength”?

Deliberately implementing “the law of attraction” is  a way of CONSCIOUSNESS because deliberately means: by CHOICE, voluntarily, by KNOWING what I am doing. 

The problem comes from this last point, which often results in the phrase: 

“I see the results that I have in my life, which do NOT correspond to what I want, I work hard, I have the feeling that I am doing ‘everything right’ etc. AND yet I cannot have the job I want, the relationships I want, the weight I want etc …! “

V ou do something that brings NOT the result you want  NOT KNOW what that something! 

Here is what to UNDERSTAND about this principle of resonance at work throughout the Universe:

The law of attraction ALWAYS responds to the FREQUENCY  you EMIT .


When you call your mom you don’t expect to hear from your boss.

And if you hear your boss you tell yourself you made a number mistake and you’re doing the right number. That’s all. You don’t say to yourself:

” it’s fate “

“I’m not good enough”

“It’s because this happened to me when I was 6 years old”

etc …

In the moment , you simply redo the correct number which corresponds to that of your mom. And because it’s a technology based on proven and validated scientific principles, you KNOW that when you dial the right number you have the right person.

Even children in strollers today have cell phones and understand how it works.

In Life, this principle of “resonance” or even “LAW OF ATTRACTION” means!


If we go back to the cell phone analogy: we could take the image that the numbers on your phone are your THOUGHTS and BELIEFS. 

When with your cell phone you don’t have the right contact: you simply redo the right number.

When in your life you don’t have what you want: you simply CHOOSE the right THOUGHTS and beliefs.

Well, that’s as simple as that

Between the two ? That is to say between the moment when we want something and its “realization” in our life, it is called simply living, it is called EXPERIENCING LIFE.

For fun !

Because Life is supposed to be a good thing.

Because our body is biologically designed for well-being.

There is an often quoted sentence: “We are born, we will die, between the two it will be according to our choice”. In fact it is:

“We live, everything is always according to our choice”.

What “the law of attraction” means, a universal scientific principle, valid everywhere, all the time, is Eternal Life, Creative Power and Free Will.

“Eternal Life, Creative Power, Free Will, All is One” is what ALL religions have tried “  pragmatically  ” with their words more than “scientifically” to convey.

In the 21st century “” Eternal Life, Creative Power, Free Will, All is One “is physics.

Condemn to SUCCEED 

SUCCESS or FAILURE it is ALWAYS the same principle of ”  RESONANCE “, the law of attraction which is at work. 

Before the advancement of science and scientific understanding when someone was NOT successful he could argue by saying:

it is GOD who does not want

it’s fate

it’s the fault of my mother, my father, the school, the state etc.

With this spread of the “law of attraction”, instead of saying it is many people KNOW that there is has A UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE which UNDERTAKES ALL Life experiences.

As a scientist, I can ONLY rejoice that the term “Law of Attraction” has led many people to go beyond the idea of ​​”fatality”

My consultations, the physics applied to the development of the human being aim to bring to your consciousness this ”  something that I do that I do not know that I am doing ” so that you can bring WHAT. YOU WANT in your life.


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