Money & Wealth through Butter Beans (Mochai Kottai seed)



It’s a money attraction ritual through Butter Beans ( Mochai Kottai seeds). Do this ritual only at the North East corner in any room of your house.

This money ritual is a combination of both planetary and elementary associations. My post and videos are generally related to the planetary and elemental association. I believe in energy shifting, vibrations, planets, and all other five elements water, air, earth, fire and space helps the things to move in this world.

Materials Required:

Glass Jar with lid, Mochai Kottai seeds, sugar and pure water.


Men and Women can do it at any time. There are no restrictions on women.

Day and Auspicious Timings:

 Friday is best to start this ritual. We should begin in the morning from 6 am to 7 am, and in the afternoon, from 1 pm to 2 pm. (People who are unable to stick to these timings can do it at their convenient time).

First Method:

One should this pariharam (Remedy for Money / Ritual for Money ) using glass bottle covered with a lid; you can attain more benefit only through it. Take a glass bottle filled with water, and then you should take mochai kottai seeds using your little finger and thumb finger. It would help if you dropped those seeds (how much ever quantity comes) into the water by doing the self chant.


There is no mantra to be specifically said for it, after dropping the seeds close the lid of the bottle. There are no colour specifications for the bottle lid. Place the bottle on the North East corner in any of your room, and daily take mochai kottai seeds using the said fingers and drop it in the bottle and close the lid till Thursday. (do not change the water).

Procedure to change the water:

Now we are going to look at the procedure to change the water every week. Next Friday, you should remove the glass bottle and open the lid and pour the water into plants. You should leave the water only to the traditional plants like Indian Bael (Vilvam) and Gooseberry tree (Nellikkai). If it is not available, pour the water to Holy Basil (Tulasi plant).

 After pouring the water to plants, you should take the soaked mochai kottai seeds from the glass bottle and drop those seeds as food to birds. Do not worry if it is left uneaten; at last, Some small living beings may use it.


Another powerful method:

To make this ritual more powerful, you add sugar into the glass bottle after adding the mochai kottai seeds. You should follow the same procedure by using the little finger and the thumb finger to drop the sugar. When you follow this method, you should not pour the water to the plants. You should take a small bowl and pour that water into it and keep it for birds to drink. 

You can follow both these methods, but the second method using sugar gives you 200% benefit if you cannot follow this method, you can follow the first method, which also powerful and effective.

Following this ritual, your family can see the growth in all aspect.

TC : From ShriGuru Methods Smt.Radha Karthik 


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