Do this on Deepavali to Attract more Money

Money attraction journal on deepavali 2020



In today’s post, we are going to talk about a herb which we are going to use on Deepavali day. Earlier I have posted many herbal remedies in my blogs; So many people are using it and getting benefited. Generally, all the herbs are associated with planetary, elementary and medicinal values. Herbs have the power of all the five elements of the universe. We will be talking about only a few herbs which would give immediate effect on using.

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Today we are going to look at such kind of a herb, or we can even call it as root. As I said earlier, this world is full of herbs. Many persons get cured by using herbs, and it helps our nature in many ways. 

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We are going to use such kind of herb on the day of Deepavali; we have to place this herb at the feet of Goddess MahaLakshmi photo and pray. Next day we have to take the herb and cover it with a Red or White colour cloth and keep it in your cash box. We can hold this for a more extended period, say 4 to 5 months. After that, it would become granules. Once it becomes granules, we can dispose of it with the cloth.

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If you continue this process again, you can replace it also on any Friday. Follow this process during Deepavali time. It will give you a perfect positive effect. The ritual which we do with herb during Deepavali time will help to increase the flow of money in large quantity. For some people, this herb seems to be a rare one. 


On this day of Deepavali, keeping this sugarcane root (Black or White) near the feet of Goddess Mahalakshmi Photo will give you extraordinary benefits and improvement. Before placing the root, dip the root in Turmeric water and dry it under the fan. 

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There might be a question in your mind how you can get this root. You can check with any nearby sugarcane juice shop, and you will get it. You can even get a piece of sugarcane for worship. It would bring more fortune. Please follow both things.

 In case you don’t find a juice shop where they don’t give the root alone; get a piece of sugarcane along with the root even by paying some money. The reason behind providing this post earlier is to arrange for the roots at the earliest and dry the roots. There are no words to describe this herb. I haven’t said anything about this herb to date. Many people have used it and have got benefited. Please do follow and get satisfied.

TC: From ShriGuru Methods Smt.Radha Karthik  


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